=== Twitter Follow Me Box === Contributors: Rafael Cirolini Donate link: http://cirolini.com.br/ Tags: twitter, twitter follow me box, jquery, follow me Requires at least: 2.9.2 Tested up to: 2.9.2 Stable tag: 2.0 Creates a floating box with a follow me twitter. Without the need to modify the template. == Description == This plugin will generate a follow me box of the twitter in your site. The plugin was written in jQuery (the original is only javascript), then it is not necessary to add any tags to your theme so it will work. Moreover it is possible to change the color, height, side, turn and put your twitter id. == Installation == * You can either use the automatic plugin installer or your FTP program to upload it to your wp-content/plugins directory the top-level folder. Don't just upload all the php files and put them in /wp-content/plugins/. * Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress * Visit your Follow Me Options (Options - Follow Me Option) * Configure any options as desired, and then enable the plugin * That's it! == Screenshots == 1. Administrative panel on de color selection 2. Administrative panel screen 3. On the right side of the website the plugin entered a follow me on Twitter == Changelog == = version 1.3 = * Fix de header panic in one version of php = version 1.2 = * Update name functions * Update register jquery * Update inicial options = version 1.1 = * Update version tag = version 1.0 = * Transmission of the plugin for wordpress svn. = version 0.5 = * Fix version name * inserting copyright = version 0.4 = * Fix some function names. = version 0.3 = * Fixed an incorrect insertion of javascript. = version 0.2 = * Placing a color picker in jquery. = version 0.1 = Implementation of basic functionality == CREDIT == This plugin was developed by Rafael Cirolini - http://www.geniusti.com.br == CONTACT == Rafael Cirolini http://www.geniusdeveloper.com.br http://www.geniusti.com.br