It Got Worse

I mentioned the course for the GCF Half Marathon couldn’t get worse. Ha! They accepted my challenge

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and made it worse.

I can't believe it's worse!

I can't believe it's worse!


p>Now it’s 3 laps!

Should I run the GCF Race to End Women’s Cancer?

So I got an email the other day advertising a new half marathon.  There are a few things I look for in a race in a sort of mental checklist.  Anyway, take a look and let me know if you think I should run it?

The race recently sent my way is the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF) Race to End Women’s Cancer.  The details are:

1) How much?  $75.  This is on the high end for a half marathon.  It is sponsored by a good cause though.

2) Where is it?  Starting line is 6 blocks from my apartment.  Score!

3) Is there a medal? Yes!

4) What distance? Half Marathon

5) What’s the course? It doesn’t get much worse…
You go down 2 blocks, make a U-turn, and back 2 blocks, then make a right, and repeat on the next block, like 5 times. Like running on a comb. Twice. Yes, the course is 2 laps…

Worst course ever? Maybe (yes.)

Worst course ever? Maybe (yes.)

Let me know if you think I should sign up.  It’s on November 8th, 2009 and I don’t think it will sell out.

You can donate here