Flawless – Week 4 Recap

Ah, perfection.  It comes pretty naturally to me.  Through 4 weeks, I haven’t missed a single training run!   I owe most of that to you, my dear reader, for holding me accountable.  On more than one occasion I found myself on the “skip today’s run” side of the fence, but knowing you would heckle me to no end, I hopped the fence (with only a few minor injuries, mind you) and got myself out there.

One such instance was Tuesday.  This week we had a wonky work schedule, making it difficult to run in the morning.  After oversleeping, I was forced by you to run during lunch.  The good and the bad about living in Austin is that it’s 97 degrees during lunch.  Over the 5 mile run I kept a fairly easy pace while acquiring a sufficiently uneven sunburn on my back and shoulders.  Now my awkward natural t-shirt tan is even more natural awkward.

Wednesday I got up really obscenely early to meet the regular group for a modified run.  Well two of them bailed unannounced, and the third did his own thing.  No worries though, since I was a little late anyway, at the time I figured I had already missed them.  After being stood up, the rest of the run was uneventful.

Finally for this week was a solid 15 mile long run.  After last week’s killer 14 miler with the group, I made the wise decision to take this on solo at my own pace.  This was the farthest I’ve run since January 16th and I’ll chalk up my struggles to the nasty uphills from miles 12 through 15.

We’ll see how long I can keep the streak alive.  No obvious hurdles on the radar, but you know what I they no one says: “hurdles are only in the way if you can’t jump.”*

Distance Time Pace Heart Rate
Monday 10.00 Miles 1:22:10 8:13 min/mi 156 bpm
Tuesday 5.13 Miles 46:19 9:08 min/mi 149 bpm
Wednesday 8.27 Miles 1:10:53 8:33 min/mi 153 bpm
Friday 4.05 Miles 39:26 9:45 min/mi 140 bpm
Saturday 15.17 Miles 2:06:35 8:21 min/mi 159 bpm
Total 42.62 Miles 6:05:23 8:34 min/mi 154 bpm


One thought on “Flawless – Week 4 Recap

  1. Colin says:

    The awesome tan is what summer running is all about. Glad I wasn’t the only one who struggled with the long run today… Guess this is training.

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