Back on Track – Week 12 Review [brief]

With no new illness or injury Week 12 wasn’t too bad, and “wasn’t too bad” is good enough for me right now. I’ve been a bit discouraged, demoralized, and dissatisfied with all the unwanted breaks in training. Thankfully Week 12 was good to me. My paces

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were unimpressive if not a little slow, but at least there were paces. “Running” and “slow running” are both better than “not running” at this point. I finished the week off pretty well and hope to leverage that going into Week 13. After that it’s just taper for two weeks and then the race! it’s coming up quick…

Distance Time Pace Heart Rate
Wednesday 9.15 Miles 1:18:06 8:32 min/mi 146 bpm
Thursday 8.00 Miles 1:05:56 8:15 min/mi 147 bpm
Friday 1.03 Miles 09:30 9:14 min/mi — bpm
Saturday 17.10 Miles 2:22:54 8:21 min/mi 158 bpm
Total 35.27 Miles 4:56:26 8:24 min/mi 152 bpm

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