Run DC

This speech is my recital, I think it’s very vital
To rock (a rhyme), that’s right (on time)
It’s Tricky is the title, here we go

For the first time since moving to Austin, Ev and I visited the old hood (a.k.a. the Wizzle Dizzle Washington, DC). We met up with lots of old friends, old restaurants, and old running routes.

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We stayed in a pretty sweet spot at 20th & Penn NW, central to basically everything. Fittingly, our entire itinerary was based around where we were going to eat: fresh seafood, pizza, custom hot chocolate, burgers, milk shakes, beer. It was irresponsible, but it was delicious.

Between these meals (which did their damage in the form of food comas) I found some time to run–twice! The weather for our entire trip was, in no exaggeration, perfect. On Friday I got out the door and ran around the west side of The Mall and into Virginia. It was great seeing my old friend, Mr. Lincoln, as well as crossing some familiar bridges. Running on my old turf felt extremely comfortable, like I never left.


p>Saturday was another gorgeous day and I took advantage by running around the east side of The Mall. I got to play tourist all over again, taking pictures of the Capitol Building, the Supreme Court, and the Library of Congress. It never gets old, that’s for sure. Texas is fun and all, but there’s nothing like these monuments to get the motivation going. It’s hard to slack off when running by war memorials, thinking about what others went through. If only I can channel that energy and take it back with me to Austin.

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