I talk about the weather here a lot. I think it’s because it’s so universal. I mean, everyone has to deal with some form of Mother Nature’s wrath at some point. For us Texans it comes in the form of heat. Relentless, punishing, uncompromising heat. Just this past week we had three days in a row with a high temperature of 107*. We’re not talking heat index either. And say what you will about “oh it’s a dry heat” False. 80% humidity in the mornings which makes even the low of 79* at 6am a beast to deal with. What’s a runner to do? It’s inescapable (especially with my self-imposed “No treadmills. Ever. Again.” policy).

Austin's 10-day Forecast
Well, there is one way to escape the heat., and that is to escape Texas altogether. The little lady and I are currently (as I type this) on a plane to Seattle for a long weekend that should be high on fun and low on responsibility. Part of that fun is going to rest solely in being able to be outside without melting. In planning for Saturday’s 18 mile long run I felt it worthwhile to see what kind of conditions I’d be dealing with. The only word that comes to mind is “perfect”. Here’s the 10-day forecast for Seattle. Just compare that to Austin’s 10-day (which has really been the 50-day forecast). I mean, it’s not even fair.

Seattle's 10-day Forecast
I’m more excited that you can imagine to go for a run and not think about the weather. Maybe I’ll even spare you any mention of the weather in the next blog post, but I wouldn’t count on it.