Let’s Get Serious

Alright folks. No more messing around. The biggest race of my running life is a week away. I’ve been training like crazy. I’ve been tracking the weather (like crazy). I’ve

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already picked out my race attire. Now it’s time to make some internal changes. It’s time to get serious.

From now until the race I’m going to be strictly monitoring my

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diet. So far, alcohol, large amounts of dairy, and overly greasy food are off the table. Beans? No thanks. Broccoli? Apparently not. Gluten and caffeine are going to be severely limited too, though not cut out completely. I plan to eat lots of oatmeal, bananas, rice, fish, potatoes, and chicken.


p style=”text-align: left;”>Besides diet, I’m also going to do my best to get more sleep. My current 6 hours per night average isn’t cutting it. Basically my plan is to adopt a bland, responsible, adult lifestyle for the next week. I know they say don’t change anything you haven’t practiced, but I can’t imagine that applies to dropping bad habits. I guess we’ll find out! Until then we’ll be all serious all the time.

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