Food Truck Fans!

Food trucks, amirite? Everyone and their non-Facebook-using moms know I’m a huge fan of food trucks. But apparently some food trucks are fans of mine! After Ironman Arizona I received an extra fancy surprise from two of my favorites. Thanks to some coordination from Tony (the man behind and Ev, Cow Tipping Creamery and Guac n Roll created menu specials named for me!

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Post-race, IronMike.” type=”image” alt=”IMAG0376.jpg” pe2_img_align=”center” ]

Cow Tipping Creamery went ahead and changed the name of their normal Fluffer Nutter to the Iron Mike. It’s my hands-down, go-to favorite that they offer, and for the month of November, it has a new name.

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So cool! But that’s not all. They’ll be donating a portion of the sales from the Iron Mike to Movember! Take that, cancer!

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Dare I say, the Iron Mike tasted even better than the Fluffer Nutter. From now on, even after the name reverts back, I’ll still call it the Iron Mike.

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In an equal show of being awesome, Guac n Roll created a meal fit for an Ironman. With a new tostada special added to the menu, the Iron Mike Plate was created as a triathlon of food.

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20131120_181316_988.jpg” pe2_img_align=”center” ]For me, the multi-course order of events went burrito, then tostada, then tamale. And all of it was delicious. And I didn’t need to eat for another 11 hours, which is how long the race took me! They said they’ll have the Iron Mike Plate available any time

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they have all three menu items on hand.

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[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20131125_124048_995.jpg” pe2_img_align=”center” ]



p>As if completing an Ironman wasn’t enough, this is just puts the whole experience over the top. If nothing else, go check these two trucks out because they are great people. Thanks to Tim, Corey, and Cole (CTC) and Ben and Ashlea (GnR) for being so awesome. VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE!

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