Moving Forward

The response to my previous post was unbelievable. Thank you everyone who clicked the link I sent you read about my heartwarming story of a boy and girl falling in love, overcoming obstacles, and ending up together with a dorky (if not creative) engagement surprise.

And through all

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that fun and spontaneity, the running continues. I have scaled it back a bit to running 4 days a week instead of 5, to be fresh for race day. The last three weekends consisted of running in Maine, then DC, and then New Jersey. The NJ run was my last big run before tapering. 20 miles of fun through the rolling hills and townships (New Jersey is dotted with townships, though I’m not exactly sure what one is). Some of the exciting things I saw as I explored my homeland (born in NJ) included goose crossing signs, cows grazing, and mansions the size of, well, mansions. You may be surprised to hear read that I didn’t come across any items that “fell off a truck”, no one wearing cement shoes, and not a single person say “fuggetaboutit” in the entire 20 miles. Not even a single Soprano crossed my path! More common, actually, were jogging strollers and sunshine.

The run itself was awesome. I find myself enjoying rolling hills compared to pancake-flat roads, which doesn’t necessarily bode well for Chicago (we’re talking IHOP-flat in Chicago). I traveled through Florham Park, Madison, Green Village, and Chatham and then back to Florham Park. This is a far cry compared to Florida, where you have to drive 5 miles to get from the retirement home adult lifestyle community to the Botox clinic, all within in the same development… but I digress. I was hoping to see some deer or a groundhog, but no such luck.

For those of you who picture New Jersey looking like the offspring between a garbage dumpster and a water desalination plant, don’t forget it is known as the Garden State. It made me proud to say I was born in the armpit of the greatest country in the world. And without armpits, where does the garden-scented deodorant go? Go America!

The Details:

New Jersey’s 20 Mile Long Run:


Distance: 20 miles
Time: 2:41:36
Pace: 8:04 min/mile
Average HR: 157 bpm (176 bpm max)

2 thoughts on “Moving Forward

  1. mom says:

    don’t knock florida, kiddo, new jersey isn’t as great as you think…..take it from someone who knows both, very well.

    you can add that to your BLOGGER.

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