It’s National Running Day!

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if your phone alarm, calendar alert, backup phone alarm, and personal assistant all failed you: today is National Running Day. And what does that mean exactly? Well, I’m not quite sure. What I do know is that I saved some cash registering for a race. I just signed up for the San Antonio Marathon (11/14/10) using a coupon code (RUNDAY) to save $15! It’s only valid today though, so don’t wait.

After some research I learned that National Running Day is an effort to make people more active in the name of health and fitness. That sounds good on paper,

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but I’m not sure that we have any health and fitness issues. I mean, I can come up with examples (here and here) of how fit our country really is! Honestly, running 4 miles (burn about 500 calories) and eating a dozen donuts (about 2,400 calories) is a sure-fire way to drop the LBs. Just thinking about it is making me tired and hungry. And come on, with ad campaigns like this, who needs a National Running Day?

For those curious few: yes, I did go for a run on today’s fine National Running Day. An average 5 miles in 120% humidity.

Distance 5 Miles
Time 42:18
Pace 8:28 min/mile
Average HR 154 bpm

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