Sink or Swim

Today sunk.  It sunk before things ever got started.  I’ve been looking to get in the pool for awhile now, mainly for some crosstraining, but with triathlons on the far, far away horizon.  I did a great job of coming up with excuses why I couldn’t, like “I won’t have enough time” [false], “I am a bad swimmer” [true], “There are tigers in the pool” [unverified], and other lame reasons for not getting myself in the water.

Well today was set to bust down all those mental walls and step up my training with some legit swimming magic.  Observing my irrational and debilitating fear uncertainty, Ev said she would join me on the endeavor.  We got up before the sun rose in order to arrive at the pool right when it opened at 7am.  Fully clad in our swimming gear (below) we pulled up to the pool ready to hop into the deep end.

As you may have surmised at this point (based on all my grandstanding and back story explanation with no real substance, this parenthesis notwithstanding), no swimming actually took place.  As we pulled up to the pool we found each lane chock full of Michael Phelps types.  Assessing the situation independently, we were in silent agreement to just keep driving, turn at the end of the block, and head home.  Sigh… One more reason not to swim: intimidation.  When we got home, pride defeated and floaties deflated, we took advantage of the earliness of the situation and got back in bed.  To swim, perchance to dream.  Maybe next time.

2 thoughts on “Sink or Swim

  1. meredithcowie says:

    Get back on that horse/in that pool! I bet you ran into a swim team at morning practice. Check the pool schedule to find a time for “open swim” or “adult swim” and don’t be intimidated! There are usually lanes designated for swimming speeds much like running buddies match up by time, I’ve always seen them labeled by Slow/Medium/Fast. Just get in there and try! If I can run, you can swim 🙂

  2. RJC says:

    Look at the bright side. At least you haven’t spent all summer trying to learn to swim properly and extensively, only to have the triathlon you’re training for cancelled just as you are able to do the required distance for the swim.

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