“Coolhaus” is commonly my answer to “what’s your favorite food truck?” Why? For starters because I love ice cream, I love cookies, and I love things made my way. But I’ve written about my Coolhaus escapades many times over. This isn’t just another gushing about a good perfect ice cream sandwich. No. This is a whole new level of praise. You see, when it comes to being awesome, Coolhaus has the secret formula. So what makes Coolhaus so great? Let me tell you a story.
In my (modern) family we spare each other by way of a Secret Santa gift giving for Christmas. A budget is set and you only need to buy for one person (rather than 9 people). This year I was tasked with my 13 year old half sister Jackie. She’s a tough one. You’d think a 13 year old girl should be easy, but not Jackie. So instead of trying to win her over with something boring like a phone case or cheap jewelry, I went for a big wow factor.
But they didn’t leave me stranded. Instead, they set me up with the top of the Coolhaus food chain. She got me in touch with the newest member of the Coolhaus family in Miami. I worked with the Miami team to coordinate a custom order of a dozen ice cream sandwiches. Since Jackie prefers traditional ice cream flavors I ordered some basic combos (seen below).
Fast forward to Christmas week when I was coordinating how to pick these bad boys up from Miami and stash them at Ev’s mom’s house. To the rescue, without any prompting, Coolhaus offered to deliver them from Miami directly to our door, free of charge! I got to meet the operations manager, Emmanuel, in the process. How cool is that? Anyway, I tucked them away in the freezer until the big unveiling.
As Christmas morning rolled around, we ate a big breakfast and I (not-so-subtly) suggested we open our Secret Santa gifts right away. At that point I snuck out to the freezer, loaded up a box with ice packs, and nestled the two 6-packs of sammies on top. With a few pieces of Scotch tape we were in business and I placed the big box in Jackie’s general area. Using even less discretion, I strongly hinted that Jackie should open the big box next to her, trying (and failing) not to give away that it was from me.

one of the two boxes, featuring one of each flavor combo
All I need to say is– Mission: Accomplished. She was surprised and very happy to receive such an awesome gift. So happy, in fact, that she ate two of them before lunch! In any case, it couldn’t have been possible without the amazing people behind the awesome ice cream sammies. I wanted to thank the Coolhaus team for everything they did to make a memorable holiday season!
Here’s the official order I placed (2 of each):
- Chocolate Chip/Tahitian Vanilla
- Chocolate Chip/Double Chocolate
- Double Chocolate/Tahitian Vanilla
- Double Chocolate/Double Chocolate
- Peanut Butter/Tahitian Vanilla
- Chocolate Chip/Coffee Toffee
Have you tried Chunk-n-Chip in LA yet? OMG You MUST try them!
Never been to LA, so I’ll add it to my must-do list for whenever I finally get out there. Thanks for the tip!