Are You a Vermonster?

I am a Vermonster, or at least that’s the goal. Because I just signed up for the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon! Colin and I will be taking on

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the streets of Burlington on Memorial Day to make history. The plan is for both of us to qualify for the Boston Marathon–something the world has never seen before! That makes our goal a very real, very challenging 3:04:59. A brief recap shows that Colin

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needs to cut 27 seconds off his best time. I have a slightly more daunting 11 minutes 30 seconds off my personal best.

So with that, I leave you with just one question:



p>Time will tell.

2 thoughts on “Are You a Vermonster?

  1. Meredith says:

    Yay! My Dad helped organize the first VCM and ran it many times as has my sister. I have played the role of banana girl at several key locations. If you need a place to stay, my parents are in Colchester and love having visitors. You guys can do it!

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