#ATXBOS Food Blogger Swap Take 2 – FAIL

Long overdue, starting back in September, I signed up to be a part of the Austin-Boston Food Blogger Swap again.  I did this last year and had a great time, so I jumped on the chance to participate again.  Quick refresher: food bloggers from Austin and Boston are paired up and send each other food items from their respective home cities.  The plan this time was to send our packages out by October 15th to put some sort of “end” date (since we know nothing gets done without deadlines).

After a few back-and-forth emails, we agreed to push things into November.  I spent time slowly gathering items here and there, ultimately compiling what you see below.

atxbos 2012

Some Kerbey Lane pancake mix, Salt Lick BBQ Sauce, Round Rock Honey, a mini Tito’s vodka sample, a Bearded Brothers energy bar, Habanero Pralines (she mentioned she likes spicy), and a Trailer Food Diaries Cookbook.  Not a bad assortment, all for under $30!  I got it in the mail about a week before our Thanksgiving trip and she replied 2 days later she’d be getting it in the mail soon.

Fast forward to today.  Since that last email, I sent a few “just checking in” type emails but haven’t heard anything.  No package either.  I contacted the organizers on both the Austin and Boston sides, and no one has reached her either.  Well, I hope she enjoyed the box of Texas fun.

4 thoughts on “#ATXBOS Food Blogger Swap Take 2 – FAIL

  1. Tony says:

    Giving you the ol’ hide and seek. Maybe she’s just fallen behind on compiling your box of goods. OR maybe she’s involved in an elaborate pen-pal scheme where she befriends strangers and convinces them to send her goods of values averaging $30. Either way, lame. I was just in Boston last week! I could have picked something up for you. Cannoli?

    • Mike says:

      Thanks Tony! Not a huge deal, but still a bummer. Probably won’t participate in this sort of thing again. Just left a bad taste, or really no taste, seeing as how I didn’t get a tasty New England-ized package.
      And when in doubt, always pick me up some cannoli 🙂

  2. Hey Mike! I thought the same thing happened to me. I sent out my box back in October and then heard nothing back from my partners for weeks. They finally replied via email that they did indeed receive my package. Then while I was gone over the holidays, my box full of goodies arrived! So maybe that will happen to you too.

Thoughts? Leave a comment!