Water and Fire

Our grocery store ran a special on USDA Prime New York Strip steaks.  Never one to miss out on a deal, I bought four.  And for no other reason than “why not?” I picked up a grass-fed New York Strip to compare.  With five steaks and some new toys to play with, we invited some friends over for dinner and got cooking.  But seriously, just look at these steaks!


I salted and bagged the steaks in preparation for their hot water bath.  In the meantime I had my new giant “tamale” pot* heating up to 132°.

*side note – the pots at the grocery store were labeled in Quarts as well as number of tamales it can fit.  Bless your heart, Texas.


After a little over two hours in the water, we had perfectly medium-rare steaks that looked gross and gray, so it was time to light them on fire.


For Christmas Ev somehow agreed to get me what amounts to a flamethrower.  Called the Searzall, it connects to a propane tank and becomes the ultimate in-home searing tool.  You can bet your sweet bippy that I’ll be posting a lot more fire-on-food content.


(lower your volume, this video might be loud)


The picture doesn’t do the sear justice, but the Searzall brings the heat.  I blasted the five steaks on all sides.  To be honest, I’d say I was even a little gun-shy and could have seared them harder.  I was afraid of over cooking the meat.  But we’ll see that that was never a concern.


The real proof comes when you slice into your steak.  Top to bottom, edge to edge, exactly medium rare.  The Sansaire sous vide machine did 95% of the work and the Searzall finished it all off.  Served with some pan roasted potatoes and sautéed kale, these steaks did not disappoint.


4 thoughts on “Water and Fire

    • Mike says:

      Good question! I don’t know… I lost track of which was the grass fed and then could really tell once we cut into them all. So I guess not 🙂 #science

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