Burgers and Hotdogs and Pizza, Oh My!

New Haven – A beacon of traditional cuisine crossed with a lovely touch of bizarre twists that makes it a fun place to try some really different versions of our favorite classics.  During the half marathon weekend Colin and I set out to tackle as many famous (and not-so-famous) New Haven eateries in preparation and recovery for the Fairfield Half Marathon.

Saturday began at Louis’ Lunch.  It lays claim to inventing the hamburger and does things today the same as when they started.  First off, it’s a tiny place.  We got there at noon, right when they open, and there was a line of about 20 people waiting for a hamburger.  It’s not a fast line because everything is made to order.  The only confusing part is they only serve hamburgers, so they should be able to see how many people are in line, and at least have a few extra going.  Anyway, we finally get up to order and there’s no menu, so trying not to look like a noob, I say “I’ll have a hamburger” and she looks at me, gives an exasperated sigh, and asks “tomato, onion, cheese?  Anything to drink?  Here or to go?”  Blast!  She saw right through me.  “Just tomato.  To go.” and I step to the side to pay.  She writes down the order on a sheet of paper with a Sharpie and makes it visible for the chef (this is a 3-person operation: order, pay, cook).  The burgers are cooked in super old-fashioned vertical broilers about 12 at a time.  About 30 minutes after first getting in line I’m holding the paper sack with my burger and we’re off to Colin’s to eat.

The burgers are served on white sandwich bread, just the meat, and in my case, with a single slice of tomato.  And they are thick!  Very juicy and delicious, if not a tad underseasoned.  Colin also got potato salad, which he reported to be a great partner to his “CW” (short for Cheeseburger with the works: cheese (actually a cheese spread), tomato, onion).  The final verdict is it was very good but nothing outrageous.  It was fun to go to such an old place with a different way of doing things.

The rest of the day included grabbing some bananas and bagels for the morning of the race and picked up a bagel sandwich before dinner.  We had a pretty uneventful pasta dinner to get ready for the race.

Then we ran.

To refuel we went to Super Duper Weenie.  It was only 2 miles from the race, but there’s no way you could find it without knowing exactly where it is.  It’s on a back access road near the highway, adding to its allure.  Anyway, we walked in just after 11am to a small counter next to the 9-seat bar.  The menu actually had non-hotdog items, but that would be for the weak.  I got the New Yorker: Sauerkraut, Onion Sauce, Mustard, & Hot Relish.  The hotdogs are split down the middle and cooked on the griddle (while the chef will twiddle his thumbs.  My poetry bone started flaring up there).  Then put into a perfect bun and topped with all the aforementioned garnishes.  Really top notch!  Perfect refuel following the race.  Colin got the New Englander: Sauerkraut, Bacon, Mustard, Sweet Relish & Raw Onion, because who doesn’t need bacon on a hotdog?  We also split some fresh cut fries, you know, to replenish the carbs and potassium.  If you’re ever near exit 24 on I-95 in Connecticut, stop by the Super Duper Weenie.

We then changed up the plan a bit.  As a midafternoon snack we agreed on a fantastically amazing idea to get ice cream.  We walked down to Ashley’s Ice Cream Cafe and I had no choice but to get the coffee oreo ice cream.  There are few things I enjoy more than ice cream, and this reaffirmed everything.  Smooth coffee ice cream laced with large and small bits of real Oreos.  Great idea Brittany!

We wrapped up the weekend of over-the-top eating at Modern Apizza.  As I mentioned in the preview, the site is worth visiting for the music alone.  We sat down without any wait (though it was 5pm and the average age of everyone in there was 70) and scoped out the menu.  Upon a recommendation by a native New Havenite, I went for the plain mozzerella.  The real decision was what size.  It wasn’t much of a decision at all though.  LARGE.  I got through about a third of it and boxed up the rest to go.  The dough was thin but not too crisp, a good chewiness.  It was just a really good cheese pizza.

Looking forward to the leftovers 🙂

If the shoe Pfitz

Pfitz Pfitz Pfitz.  Looks funny no matter how many times you write it.  Pfitz.

I’m halfway through week 3 of the Pfitz 55/18 training plan (18-week plan that peaks at 55 miles per week) and it’s pretty taxing (like corporate bonus taxing after all the bailouts).  I’m sure the reason is that it’s a pretty big increase in miles for me since the Country Music Marathon.  After running the last three days in a row, tomorrow’s rest day seems to be a Pfit-ting reward.  So much, in fact, that I think I might even take Friday and Saturday off too!


Yes, 3 (planned) days in a row.  Of not running.  Maybe.  With the Fairfield Half Marathon coming up on Sunday, I’m certainly not running on Saturday.  Friday is supposed to be an easy 4 miles.  Thursday is a day off.  So all I’m really missing is 4 miles and moving my Saturday long run to the race on Sunday.  Knowing me (and I like to think that I do), I’ll probably run the 4 miles anyway.  That said, if I don’t run on Friday, I’ll look back at these three days as a crash taper cycle in preparation for the race.  Undeniably I want to be fresh so I can beat Colin and regain the title of “winner of the most recent half marathon: the Mike and Colin story – as told by Mike”.

Also going with the theme of the title, I just bought some new shoes!  Well, they’re the same Brooks Beasts that I’ve been running in since Marine Corps, but a new pair!  Picked them up at Running Warehouse for a pretty price and even got an additional 15% off my order!  Even better, they give free 2-day shipping and it’s being shipped today!  Wow!!!  Exclamation point.

This morning’s run was a little bit brutal mixed with a dash of ouch and a smidgen of when-will-it-stop.  Falling under the category of Lactate Threshold (which Ev found hysterical), it involved running 4 of the 8 miles at half marathon pace.  How fitting considering there is a half marathon coming up.  Well, hopefully it isn’t a precursor to the race, because it did not go as well as I would have liked.  For 4 miles I was struggling and burning.  Some may be attributed to running the previous two days, but overall I’m going to need to slow way down for the race if this is what it’s going to feel like.  If I remember last year’s course (and I most certainly do), it is a hilly beast.  (Aside: Maybe my shoes and the course can be friends (if you didn’t catch my subtlety, my shoes are the Beast and the course is a beast.  If you did catch it, bravo, and I apologize for such a pointless aside).) Anyway, we’ll see how the race goes and I’ll be sure to report back. I’m sure you can’t wait to hear all about my victory.

The details:

The Route

Distance: 8.0 miles
Time: 1:02:52
Pace: 7:50 min/mile
Average HR: 163 bpm (179 bpm max)
Splits: Mile 3 – 7:08
Mile 4 – 7:21
Mile 5 – 7:20
Mile 6 – 7:19

Fairfield on my Mind

So after much hemming and hawing, I signed up for the Fairfield Half Marathon.  The race is a week from Sunday (6/28) and I’m actually really looking forward to it.  I ran it last year with Colin and got pretty beat up by the hills.  Looking back, we didn’t really train very much for it.  This time, though… we’ll be ready.  The only concern is most of the training has been focusing on staying fresh and going for distance (AKA, not much speed).

Number 1 goal: Beat Colin.  Last year he left me in the dust.  It was pathetic.  This year, I’m going to crush it (and him).  The real excitement though focuses on the ridiculous meals we’ll be having both in preparation and for recovery.  Upon arrival we’ll go to Louis’ Lunch for an original hamburger.  Then for dinner we’ll have the requisite pasta carboloading session.  Something basic and delicious.  After the race on Sunday, we’ll go directly to Super Duper Weenie for a hot dog.  Yes, a hot dog at 11am.  Amazing.  Finally we’ll swing by Modern Apizza for some of the best pizza in the world, as recommended by some real know-it-alls (aka Kevin).  Even if you don’t care about any of this, it’s definitely worth clicking on Modern’s link and listening to their music.  It’s quite possibly reason enough just to go, even if you are allergic to pizza.

To recap: Burger, Pasta, <race>, Hot Dog, Pizza.  I think all we’re missing is a burrito?  Anyway, Louis’ and Super Duper were featured on Food Network, so it’s almost like we’re going to be on TV!  At least we won’t be hungry before or after the race.  I’m sure the race recap will have a food recap too, so stay tuned.

Also, this morning’s recovery 5 miler was slow and boring, but it got the job done.  Low heart rate and put in some miles.  Next time I’ll be bringing some music along.

The details:

Distance: 5.32 miles
Time: 50:41
Pace: 9:31 min/mile
Average HR: 145 bpm (164 bpm max)