Pain – Week 7 Review

Last week, the seventh to be exact, was a bit of a roller coaster, eventually ending in a derailment and horrible crash. Through six weeks I was pleased with my progress. Holding a streak of 28 straight scheduled runs had my spirits up and I was making solid progress. Week 7 offered my first real “long” run of 18 miles. Overall the week was shaping up nicely and set to be my first 50 miler in awhile.

Tuesday was my first run of the week, and a solid 10 miles with 5 at half marathon race pace. A great start to the week with a hard effort. Things are looking good. Took it easy on Wednesday with a light 4 miles. Hazel joined me for the first. Thursday called for a lengthy 11 miles, but it was pretty easy. I did find myself in a bit of an interesting situation, but more on that in an upcoming post. Finally Friday was a mild 7 miles. Nothing too taxing by any means. That was that. The weekdays weren’t too tough, though it was four consecutive days of running. Sounds like a lot, but it was only 6 miles more than a marathon!

As I mentioned, life forced my Saturday run to turn into a Sunday run, which was fine by me after four straight days. I have a whole post coming up about this, but to give you an idea, just look at the picture.

When I woke up Saturday, I could barely put any weight on my left foot. Like bite-a-pillow-so-you-don’t-wake-the-neighbors pain. After hobbling around a bit, I took Hazel for a walk, did some work, and moped for most of the day. Sunday offered enough pain that I chose to break the running streak at 32 days and not pound 18 miles onto an already-damaged foot.


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scheme of things: not a huge deal. In my own little world: apocalypse.

We’ll see how Week 8 turns out. Hopefully less fire and brimstone, and more rainbows and unicorns.

Distance Time Pace Heart Rate
Tuesday 10.30 Miles 1:21:11 7:53 min/mi 163 bpm
Wednesday 4.03 Miles 38:21 9:31 min/mi 136 bpm
Thursday 11.03 Miles 1:31:05 8:15 min/mi 153 bpm
Friday 7.11 Miles 1:00:20 8:29 min/mi 143 bpm
Sunday 0 Miles 0 0 min/mi 0 bpm
Total 32.46 Miles 4:30:58 8:20 min/mi 151 bpm

9 thoughts on “Pain – Week 7 Review

    • Mike says:

      Thanks man, me too. I’m on the fence about resting or ignoring the pain, which has evolved into more of a discomfort.

  1. Where is the pain focused? Bottom/top/bone/muscle/toes/etc? Did it sprout out of nowhere after the fourth run, or was it aching at all beforehand/during? I know the feeling of missing a big run man, sorry for the rough end to the week.

    • Mike says:

      Left foot, about midfoot, towards the outside, kind of along the pinky toe bone. Came out of nowhere. If anything, I’d expect my other foot to hurt as it has had a few small lingering things that never amounted to anything.

      It feels like maybe a bone bruise? It seems to get a little better as the day wears on, though I’m sitting all day. It might be stiff in the morning so hurts a little more than later. I’m going to try to give it a go tomorrow and see what happens.

      Upcoming post with more details, including plenty of exaggerating and hyperbole, with some debatable puns thrown in for good measure.

  2. I know you recently got new shoes, but the same model, no? I’ll be curious to see how it goes tomorrow…don’t push it hard, but you may be able to put it out of your mind and press on. Good luck!

    • Mike says:

      Thanks man. I’ve been running in this model shoe since April without any issues. I’m now on the tendon side of the fence, and hoping / leaning towards just an inflammation issue. I put down 6 miles today with mild discomfort early on, and then it got better to the point that I forgot about it.

      Fingers crossed!

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