Triple Threat

As of Friday I can call myself a triathlete multisport enthusiast.  I won’t say triathlete just yet since I haven’t raced any triathlons, but I had my first successful swim / bike / run day.  It’s all in anticipation for my actual first triathlon coming up on April 17th, The Rookie Tri.

Let’s first say waking up at 5am is never fun.  Quick tip: it helps laying out clothes, packing up bags, and prepping bike all the night before.  Not getting out of bed would make it all feel like a waste.  Anyway, I did get up, slipped into my swimsuit, hopped on my bike, and was on my way.  After a seemingly petite 6 mile ride to the pool, I locked up my bike and got ready to swim.  Well, Professor Hard-way taught me there need to be two lifeguards on duty for the pool to open.

I sat near the pool weighing my options as the minutes ticked by.  I watched person after person give up and head home.  Finally at 6:20am (20 minutes late), a stringbean of a 14 16-year old comes rushing in from the parking lot, head down and eyes still hardly open.  We were given the go-ahead and I hopped in the pool.  I shortened my overall workout by about half to 32 lengths (0.6 miles), and not one felt particularly good this morning.

I finished up the wet works and definitely did not practice my quick transition by taking a quick shower, making sure my bike was in order, and talking to that same stringbean about how silly the rule is prohibiting bikes in the pool area.  I rode home uneventfully, a good thing when biking.  After another leisurely transition I slid on my running shoes, headed back out the door, and was on my way.

It was at this point that I was surprised by how quick my legs were feeling.  Really without much effort I held down a 7:18, 7:01, and 7:05 miles.  Oh, and it’s not bragging if it’s awesome true.  Let’s hope we can do something like this during the race!

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