The Ladies Come to Town

Well it happened again. We had guests in town and we went on an eating frenzy. Four of Evelyn’s good friends from college came to Austin to check out the city and see Evelyn before our little man gets here. Here’s a recap of how the weekend of indulgence played out.


Evelyn picked the girls up from the airport on Friday and stopped by Easy Tiger for a snack before dinner. I met them there and walked over to Backspace Pizza. We made it just in time to get some 1/2 price happy hour appetizers. My favorites were the marinated homemade mozzarella and the sizzling Brussels sprouts (covered in cheese and pancetta). It’s a bit of a mess on the plate, but that’s of little importance once it’s out of sight and in my mouth.

wu backspace apps

We split three pizzas for the six of us. The standout for me was the Bianca, a white pizza with arugula, mozzarella, ricotta, and pecorino romano cheeses. The garlic buried beneath it all makes it almost too good. The Margherita and the Fennel Sausage were great too!

wu backspace pizzas

The Fennel Sausage is on display in the foreground.

The next morning we started the day off right with breakfast tacos from Torchy’s. I only got one (egg and potato) because I had big lunch plans coming up.

wu torchys breakfast tacos

For lunch I was graciously invited to a tasting of sorts at Curly’s Carolina, TX. The real reason for the meal was so Jeff could take some amazing pictures of the food for Curly’s. I, along with friends Travis and Tyler, tagged along and simply got to eat, drink, and hang out. The food impressed us all, as expected, and Jeff got some great photos. Here are a few of mine… cell phone camera ftw!

I couldn’t eat another thing if you paid me to. Well, that’s not entirely true, because I met up with the ladies at Cow Tipping Creamery. Everyone loved their selection. I got my go-to Fluffer Nutter and it was as life-changing as always.

wu cow tipping creamery chocolate fluffer nutter

So at this point I was completely done eating for the day. However, we had dinner reservations at Fabi + Rosi. It had been a while since we went, so I got my go-to Schnitzel. A top 5 dish in Austin, in my opinion. After several glasses of wine, the dessert choice ALL OF THE THINGS! Each one was great in its own way and there were no leftovers nor regrets.

wu fabi rosi dessert

Sunday the day started with a walk over to Stinson’s for my favorite iced coffee in Austin. Ev and I split a great pumpkin muffin (baked by Russell’s). But this was just to tide us over while I zipped out to pick up lunch at…

wu stinsons pumpkin muffin


La Barbecue. We wanted to show our guests what real Texas barbecue is all about. I placed a to-go order the day before and picked it up just before they opened for the day. My order: 2lbs brisket, 5 pork ribs, 1lb turkey, 1lb pulled pork, and 3 links of sausage. The six of us did our best, but left a lot for the rest of the week.

Another successful visit for friends from out of town! Time for a salad…

4 thoughts on “The Ladies Come to Town

  1. The Smoking Ho says:

    The pics are not clickable. I still got to enjoy them in high rez by looking in the html source code. Great pics!

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