Ravenna – Week 9 Review [brief]

Week 9 had a similarly quirky schedule to Week 8.  The first three runs of the week were each set for 8 miles, though the last went a little long when I ran to work.  Tuesday’s 8-miler was a great interval workout with five 800 meter repeats and I nailed all my splits.  Huzzah!  I’ll attribute it to my new Brooks Ravenna 2 shoes (which I forgot haven’t gotten around to mention) which are a little lighter and more responsive.  Saturday I wore the same Ravenna 2’s for the group long run to see how they’d do for a moderately long distance and felt great the whole time.  I’m getting close to declaring them my race shoes over my old standby Adrenalines.

Distance Time Pace Heart Rate
Monday 8.20 Miles 1:08:55 8:24 min/mi 144 bpm
Tuesday 8.12 Miles 1:02:58 7:45 min/mi 152 bpm
Wednesday 8.87 Miles 1:13:53 8:19 min/mi 148 bpm
Friday 5.04 Miles 45:57 9:07 min/mi 137 bpm
Saturday 14.56 Miles 1:57:26 8:03 min/mi 151 bpm
Total 44.78 Miles 6:09:12 8:14 min/mi 148 bpm

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