Taking the Austin Distance Challenge

Well my Autumn Fall just got a lot busier on the running front.  Sponsored by Austin Fit Magazine this year, the Austin Distance Challenge is a series of races all here in Austin spanning from early October through mid February.  I had considered taking the Austin Distance Challenge last year, but some prior commitments (read: marriage + honeymoon) caused a bit of a scheduling conflict.  Well no conflict this year!  So I’m all in for taking on the challenge.

The Austin Distance Challenge consists of five races:

  • IBM Uptown Classic 10K – October 2nd
  • Run for the Water 10 Miler – October 30th
  • Decker Challenge Half Marathon – December 11th
  • 3M Half Marathon – January 29th
  • LIVESTRONG Marathon and Half Marathon – February 19th

You gotta complete all five events.  Participants are categorized into “Half” or “Full” Challenge runners based on if they do the LIVESTRONG Marathon or Half Marathon.  Way back in June I signed up for the LIVESTRONG Half, so if all things stay the same I’ll be competing in the half challenge.  I’m considering bumping things up to the Full challenge though.  All participants in the Half or Full Challenges compete against each other for pride and age group awards for overall time added up from all the races.

So what do you get?  Well, for one, a sweet long sleeve running shirt and running jacket.  You also get a free yearlong membership to the Austin Runners Club chock-full of perks.  At each race you get to take advantage of the Austin Fit Magazine’s runners’ tent with, and I quote, “beverages, special premiums and other fun stuff”.  You hear that?!  Special premiums AND other fun stuff!

The first event is this Sunday at the IBM Uptown Classic 10K (which I signed up for yesterday).  I’m definitely not going to race it — I promise — and treat it as a training run for Chicago next week!

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