Cap10K Preview

Well, the Cap10K is finally upon us.  On Sunday I’ll be representing the National Instruments corporate challenge team.  We’re the 7-time reigning champions and number 8 is in our sights.  As a refresher, the top 5 times for each team get added together, and the fastest team time wins.  I’m likely going to have the ninth fastest time on our team and therefore inconsequential (per usual).

In preparation for the race, I ran 20 miles yesterday (Thursday).  “Not ideal”, you say?  Well it sounds a lot better than running 20 miles the day before the race.  Who’s the smart one now?  All that snarkiness stems from my focus on marathon training without any real concern or attention paid to the Cap10K.  Shifting my long run from Saturday to Thursday was truly the extent of my 10K prep.

Ok, that should sufficiently lower expectations.  Last year I ran this race in 40:55.  My goal this year is to go sub-40.  Cheer me on to make sure I hit my goal.  If nothing else, cheer for my friend Travis who is running on his company’s team too, and his first 10K.

Go Travis!

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