Let’s Tri This Again

Long, long ago, in a much simpler time, life was easy. The

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only concerns were “which shoes?” and “how far?”. Sometimes I would set my alarm 30 minutes earlier or later, but never more complicated than that. It was nice. And then things changed. I was bitten by the triathlon bug just as I was warned would happen in Austin. Life got more complicated–three times as complicated in fact. Running and I talked about a more open relationship. I shifted my goals away from marathons and towards triathlons. And then I took a leap and signed up for the Ironman 70.3 Austin. Much like signing up for my first marathon, I was scared; but I was brave. Until I realized I was an idiot. But there was running, waiting to take me back. So I decided to double down with running. “Qualify for Boston” became the name of the game. And qualify I did. So now, as I’m taking my well-deserved time to recovery, my thoughts are wandering. How about that triathlon thing? What’s left to prove with running?


p>And so with more careful planning, I’m taking the leap again. I registered for the Ironman 70.3 Austin. I have 20 weeks to relearn how to swim, spend hours on the bike, and make sure I don’t forget how to run. For now there are no goals but to finish. Later on I may set a specific goal, but that’s for a triathlete-in-training to decide. A training plan is taking shape and will be posted soon. A few shorter races will come and go too before the 70.3 gets here. In the meantime, I’ll likely take the same approach to the triathlon as I did for running–put in the time and hope for the best.

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