You Are A Superhero

Being a superhero doesn’t require a cape, special powers, or even a cool name.  It’s much simpler than that.  All you have to do is act like a human being and help others when help is needed.  The local CASA chapter is putting on its annual Superhero 5K Run this Sunday 9/30, which raises support and awareness for the children whose lives they work tirelessly to improve.

I signed up for their 5K and all of a sudden got very excited about it.  I had no plans to run in any races — for charity or otherwise — between now and my big race at the end of October.  But now that I’m set to run this Sunday, I’m excited to help out CASA’s cause by raising awareness for them.  I fully plan on dressing in costume and running this race hard.  Be sure to check back for what’s sure to be a fun-filled race report.

CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates.  From their website:

CASA of Travis County speaks up for children who’ve been abused or neglected by empowering our community to volunteer as advocates for them in the court system.

To learn more about what CASA is doing here in Travis County, check out their website and consider donating to their organization.

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