NATY or Nice

The North Austin Trailer Yard (aka The NATY) is Austin’s newest food trailer park!  Like most other food trailer lots, it’s home to a variety of specialty cuisines (yes, “hot dog” is a cuisine).  Unlike all other trailer lots, this one is in North Austin!  Not Downtown.  Not South.  Not East.  North.  And to officially kick things off, The NATY had a grand opening party on Saturday to get the word out about North Austin’s new trailer digs.

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What’s in a name?  With Snarky’s MOO BAWK OINK there’s both confusion and clarity.  When I tell people about Snarky’s, I invariably get a puzzled look and need to repeat myself.  On the one hand this is good.  It means I got their attention.  On the other hand, it isn’t initially clear that I’m speaking English.  And on the other hand, it says exactly what they make.  Confused?  Read on to learn all about some outstanding sandwiches.

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