Coolhaus On Demand

With TV, news, music, and gosh darn near everything else available on demand these days, it’s borderline ridiculous when some things we love aren’t available at a moment’s notice.  Well, today I learned of another life necessity that doesn’t depend on the schedule of others: Coolhaus ice cream sandwiches!

After some undercover investigative work (aka Tweeting with @CoolhausATX) I uncovered several locations that sell premade Coolhaus ice cream sandwiches ready for you to take home and keep in your freezer.  Although you lose the experience of ordering a custom sammie from their diminutive truck, you do get the benefit of having some amazing treats in your freezer any time you want.

You can get your very own take-home ice cream sandwiches from any of these business savvy local shops:

Hyde Park Market – map

Thom’s Marketmap

East Village Cafe – map

Whip Inmap

Or check them all out on this map here.

And if you were wondering what my freezer looks like now, well here you go:

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