Last week our neighbor mentioned something along the lines of seeing my incredible food photos and wanted to set up a “foodie day”. After thinking about it, I realized that a relatively average day for me is not quite the norm for others. So then I did what anyone would do and ran 14 miles. Anyway, we had a plan set out for Republic of Sandwich (my new favorite spot in Austin) followed up by Cow Tipping Creamery (my forever favorite spot in Austin). Here’s how things played out.
My foodie regular day began with a short run and then met up with Jeff at Easy Tiger to try a real pumpkin spice latte. PSLs, as they’re known on sosh med, can be made one of two ways: 1) with pumps of non-organic, non-local, non-natural, non-delicious syrups; or 2) with homemade pumpkin syrup made from real pumpkins. Easy Tiger makes theirs with option 2. As someone whose coffee order is “iced coffee, no room”, this ranks in the top 3 of all coffee beverages in Austin. The other two will not be named at this time to avoid spoilers in an upcoming post.

Easy Tiger Pumpkin Latte, photo courtesy of the inimitable Jeff Amador
With coffee in hand and no food in my belly, I made my way over to Joe’s Bakery, which routinely finds itself atop most “best breakfast taco” lists. Egg-and-potato wins every time. The tortillas… OH! the tortillas! A great snack to hold me over before Foodie Day officially began.

After breakfast an idea popped into my head that can be described as nothing but humbly brilliant. The pieces fit so snugly: it’s raining + I’m near La Barbecue + people don’t like to wait in lines in the rain = go get La Barbecue for foodie day! This meant a change in plans, but everyone involved was on board. I arrived 15 minutes after opening and was 12th in line. I ordered a lot of meat for three people including a pound of brisket, three ribs, a half pound of pulled pork, and a half pound of turkey. We had leftovers.

And finally, with barbecue acquired, on the way home I received an insider tip from Jeff that there was a new Red Rabbit special donut available! So I swung by our local amazing grocery Wheatsville and snagged three donuts, including two of the gingerbread specials, before finally making it back home.

The pre-Foodie Day latte and breakfast taco hit the spot before diving into the barbecue feast. I love everything they make at La Barbecue, but the brisket steals the show consistently. The little gingerbread man rounded (donut pun!) things out perfectly. To me, it was just a regular day, but I was happy to share and enjoy with others on their special day of eating.
And because no post can have too many babies, here are a few of the Foodie Day participants working off their meals.