Pueblo Viejo para Almuerzo

It’s been a long time (too long) since I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy the non-mainstream, authentic flavors of Pueblo Viejo.  My last visit resulted in an outstanding breakfast taco that left me wanting to try everything else on their menu.  Well after far too many months I was able to make my way back over to the East Side and get my taco on.

Even before walking up to the window I was intent on ordering an al pastor taco.  I had heard great things and wanted to try one for myself.  A traditional al pastor taco is marinated pork sliced off of a vertical rotisserie (think gyro) and placed on a tortilla, topped with onions, cilantro, and pineapple.  Well, I got mine without cilantro, since as anyone knows, cilantro tastes like soap and I don’t care what you say.

The meat was incredibly tender and power-packed with flavor.  Wrapped in the standard double-layer of soft corn tortillas and topped with onions, the marinated pork was delicious.  So much flavor in a little package.  There was a little something missing though that I can’t quite put my finger on.  No question it was a great taco, and something I’ll certainly order again, but it wouldn’t be competing for my favorite taco in Austin–at least not without another try.

After reading through the entire menu of options I finally came back to Today’s Special.  I had a craving for fish tacos that was brought on a few week prior by the incessant “I’m better than you” blabber from a Los Angeles transplant who wouldn’t stop talking about real tacos from Southern California.  I guess I should thank him because this fish taco was ridiculous.  If there’s any consolation, I ordered it in a flour tortilla, which would probably have given this L.A. guy a stroke.

Where the al pastor wouldn’t be in the running for head taco, this fish taco has positioned itself right at the top of the list.  It may seem obvious to say, though it’s rarely the case: this taco is all about the fish.  Every bite was a mini flavor bomb.  There was a thin crust from the flattop giving that great texture contrast to the soft, flaky fish underneath.  The onions and bell peppers top things off and give it that extra crunch.  It’s served with a little lettuce and tomato on the side, which I piled on to add another dimension of hot-cold.

When I finished I had to ask the taco master in the trailer her secret to the fish taco.  She gave me a leery, skeptical look as if I told her I was going to steal the recipe, start my own food trailer, and make millions.  I assured her that wasn’t the case, though to be honest, those are some million-dollar tacos if I ever had one.  The only secret she shared with me is that it was a secret.  Oh well, I guess no mega millions from killer fish tacos.  In any case, it’s about time you get yourself down to Pueblo Viejo for a fish taco and anything else off the menu.  You certainly won’t be disappointed.

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