I’m Still Here

Not that anyone’s asking, but yes, I’m still here.  It’s been a crazy month between Thanksgiving and Christmas, to say the least.  Running has moved to the back seat, though not forgotten completely.  Food truck eating has been relegated to the collapsible third row.  It’s not like I’ve been laying on the couch watching reruns of Lost, hopelessly trying to understand the meaning of the damn polar bear though.  Not in the slightest.  I’m not sure what you’ve been up to, but here’s my month in a nutshell.

Evelyn and I boarded our plane on Thanksgiving day en route to Florida, which would turn out to be the first of eleven airplanes I’d board over the next four weeks.  Thanksgiving was full of family fun (read: not) which kicked off a week of final wedding prep.  For the most part we (read: Mike) didn’t have all that much going on.  To fill some time, I ran here and there, including a few 9 milers between our families’ houses and 5 miles on the morning of the big day.

The entire wedding weekend from rehearsal to saying goodbye to everyone couldn’t have gone smoother.  The weather was awesome, all our friends were in town, and no one did anything crazy*.  And no, I wasn’t going to be that guy live-tweeting from the altar, though I half joked to set up some scheduled tweets.  Some of us (read: Ev) did not find it amusing in the least.

The honeymoon to South America was fantastic!  I ran twice while there, getting to meet the locals** and explore the areas.  Both times I ran I was scared to death greeted by some four-legged man-eaters perros.  We had a great time, but it left little time or desire (sorry) to blog.  Pictures coming?  Maybe.

Since then we’ve been to Gainesville for my sister’s graduation, back to Austin for a short week of work, back to Florida for Christmas, and now finally back in Austin for as long as the eye can see.  And thank goodness.  It’s been exhausting.

Among things I didn’t get to do was try the SoFla food truck scene, but more on that in another post.  I did get a taste of real Argentinian street food that I’ll try to get posted too, but if I don’t, just know that it is delicious!

And without further ado, I’ll get back to keeping you in the know about my running and eating adventures.  Adios!



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