The Capital of Texas Triathlon took downtown Austin by storm on Memorial Day. I registered just two weeks before for the Sprint distance, figuring the Olympic distance would be too much for my second-ever tri. Compared to the Rookie Tri this race felt like the big leagues. There was serious prize money ($12,500 to the winner), pro athletes, and plenty sponsors and vendors. It also had more than its share of breakdowns and issues, but I won’t get into that here. Here’s how everything went for me as I’m still trying to find my way in this whole triathlon jungle.
Author: Mike
Replacement 70.3 Race
The sting of realizing my brain lapse hasn’t quite worn off yet. With the pain still fresh I’m looking forward to what event I can use as a replacement target race. There aren’t many requirements that the race needs to meet, but they’re pretty specific: it needs to be a Half Ironman (70.3) distance and it needs to fall some time between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. Right now I have two options in mind.
My Own Idiocracy
Dear friend reader, yours truly has really done it this time. I know you’re patiently waiting for my CapTexTri Race Report, but I have some breaking news that isn’t exactly good. Due to some scheduling conflicts (and lack of putting things together), I will not be able to do the Ironman 70.3 Austin this coming October. A few months ago we received a save-the-date for my sister’s Bat Mitzvah. Well, I didn’t realize it was the same weekend as the Half Ironman, so I went ahead and registered for the race. Alas, I’m going
to try to roll my registration to next year. Worst case, I can get about 1/4 of the registration fee refunded. This is definitely my fault and could have easily been avoided.
I’ll be looking for another race for the fall instead. Wish me luck (and less stupidity)!
Good Luck in Vermont!
Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to Colin and wish him luck at the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon this Sunday! Since San Antonio (where you’ll remember I left him in the dust), he’s been a man-possessed training for this race. He picked up a 18-week, 6-days-per-week training plan, peaking at 70 miles in a week (twice!). You know how many training runs he missed? Zero. That’s 107 out of 124 days that he ran. It included a 1:33:18 half marathon and a sub-40 minute 10K. To say that he has prepared for this race is an understatement.
Race conditions are not looking favorable, with starting temps in the mid-60s and highs for the day in the upper-70s or low-80s. He may have to deal with a fair amount of humidity and wind too. I’m sure he’ll chew up my 3:22:34 PR and spit it out, but I’m OK with that considering how much work he put in. His goal has fluctuated between 3:05 and 3:10, but with the conditions as they are, may be tempered just a bit.
So, let’s wish him luck* on Sunday for a great race.
I’m expecting a text message from him shortly after, and I’ll keep you updated with how he does. If you can’t wait, you can track him here.
*though if he happened to cramp up and finish a few minutes slower than 3:22, I’d be OK with that too. Kidding!!!**
**not kidding
Final Pre-CapTexTri Details
As I’m reading through the participant guide for the CapTexTri I’m finding tons of useful crucial information that I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Who would’ve thought, right? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Triathlons are a whole lot more complicated than marathons. For a marathon all you need to know is what time the race starts. It helps if you line up in the appropriate “wave” based on your predicted finish time, but really you just have to go pick up your race number the day before and then just show up to the race. For a triathlon, not so easy.
Eat St. Rocking the Jalopy
Last Tuesday Food Network’s Eat St. came to Austin to kickoff their five-trucks-in-five-days profile of Austin’s mobile food scene. They’re here filming for Season 2 of their show, after having already profiled ChiLantro BBQ and Lucky J’s last year for Season 1. Their first stop was at the Jalopy Rotisserie and Press, profiling Nic, his truck, and his delicious food. Lucky for me I was able to swing by and even make an on-camera appearance!
Race Week – CapTexTri
Well it’s already race week for the Cap Tex Tri! That came around pretty quick, but I suppose that’ll happen when you register 17 days before the race. First I need to remind you (and myself) that the race is on Monday, Memorial Day, and not Sunday. So don’t go sending me all those “good luck” texts, tweets, facebook messages, voicemails, candygrams, Tiff’s Treats*, or anything of that nature a day early. So race week means take it easy, right?

get your game face on
Bike to Work Day
If you weren’t aware, May is National Bike Month. It’s meant to bring awareness to riders and non-riders alike, including sharing the road, environmental impact, and giving out free food. Within the Month of the Bicycle, May 20th is the official Bike to Work Day. All around the country bike-friendly shops are offering up free food, coffee, and other goodies to encourage people to hop on their bikes instead of into their cars.
Austin is a super outdoorsy city and there is a ton of support from local businesses. The City of Austin website even has a map of all the businesses on or near bike routes that have partnered up to make May 20th extra bike-friendly. The support is amazing and Twitter has been buzzing with all the supporters spreading the word to make sure you get out there. So obviously I rode my bike to work today, right? No.
Unfortunately an unexpected 8am meeting and the threat of thunderstorms all day forced strongly influenced my decision to forgo riding my bike to work. It’s a little over 10 miles for my “short” route to get to work, so it would mean leaving at 7am just to get to the office with time to shower before the meeting without stopping for any fun times from local businesses. The decision to drive to work did not come easily, but I think it was the right thing to do. I’ll just have to wait until next May before enjoying some of the Bike to Work festivities.
Will Run To Eat…Literally
We have a lot of fun here on this blog with wordplay, double entendre, and of course, puns. You’d be hard-pressed to find a blog post without at least a little implied double meaning. As proof, Google finds 22 mentions of the word “pun” in my blog (not counting the 3 in this post)! What we’re celebrating today, however, is the literal nature of the blog’s name. The real intersection where running meats meets eating.
Eat St. is Coming to Town
Hey Hey! Big news on this small blog! Next week one of Food Network / Cooking Channel’s new TV shows, Eat St. is coming to Austin! Big deal. you might say. Well, what if I were to tell you that yours truly just might make an appearance on the ol’ boob tube? Looks like I got your attention*.
With Eat St. coming to Austin, Facebook has been all a-Facebook Twitter has been all a-twitter with excitement. Tony at Food Trailers Austin has been amazing at keeping the public informed of what’s going on. You can find schedules where the Eat St. crew will be and when. And like I said, I might even make an appearance if things work out they way they should! Things kick off tomorrow (Tuesday, 5/17) at The Jalopy around lunch time at 15th & San Antonio.
Stay updated with Eat St. and all their mobile goodness in Austin and beyond on Facebook and Twitter @EatStTweet.
*let’s be honest, the only thing that got your attention was the word “boob”