Ironman Austin 70.3 Preview

Well folks, after 18 months that saw a switch to triathlons, back to running, and then back to triathlons, the time

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has come for my big challenge. This Sunday is the Ironman 70.3 Austin. It’s a Half Ironman about 10 miles east of downtown that will definitely put all my training to the test. It starts with a 1.2 mile swim, followed by a 56 mile bike, and finishes with a 13.1 mile run. So here’s what we can look forward to.

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New York City Marathon – That Would Be No

Well, things just didn’t pan out for this runner-turned-triathlete. After lots of pomp and even a little circumstance, I searched the New York Road Runners page to see if I was selected for the ING NYC Marathon. The verdict: no. No reason. No justification. Just a simple search box returning a robotic apology and a teasing message intended for those who were selected. Am I disappointed? A little. Upset? Not really. With my focus changed to triathlons now, this was more of a “wouldn’t it be fun?” endeavor, but nothing I was really counting

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on. My big race is still the Ironman 70.3 Austin in October. Now if only I could muster the courage to register for that Half Ironman…